Mrs. Maria Esperanza, through earlier messages of Our Lady, was already aware of the existence of Her land. Our Lady, on numerous occasions spoke about a Holy Land which would be “The New Ark of Salvation”.
She told her that it was located in the North central part of Venezuela, and that it would come to be a “Place of constant prayer and pilgrimage” for the Venezuelan people and in time, for all the Nations of the world; and, so all People and Nations could hold hands in Reconciliation; and where Church and People would be united in one heart, i.e. Church and People working together united by one objective.
On March 29, 1974, Mrs. Maria Esperanza recognized the land from the description she received in the messages, for it coincided perfectly with the place: The old house, the sugar mill, the sugar cane and coffee plantation, and the grotto with crystal clear water.
The symbolic confirmation that it was the announced and chosen place of Our Lady was made to Mrs. Maria Esperanza through the sign of a blue butterfly. In messages received many years before, Our Lady announced that when Mrs. Maria Esperanza found the land She would manifest Herself through the wings of a blue butterfly. This occurred when Mrs. Maria Esperanza found the Holy Land and suddenly from its grotto a blue butterfly fluttered over the place. This reaffirmed what had been announced through the messages in a simple, but very beautiful way. At present the blue butterfly appears during many special moments flying from the grotto, then fluttering over the terrace, and then disappearing into the vegetation.
Two years later, on March 25, 1976, just as it had been announced, the Holy Mother of God appeared for the first time in Betania, under a new title, Mary Virgin and Mother Reconciler of People and Nations . After this beautiful experience, Our Lady continued to appear in the following years, but it was only until 1984 when She appeared to one hundred and fifty persons, who testify to seeing Her clearly and distinctly. This was a very diverse group: Children, college students, adults, military men, physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, engineers, judges, etc.
From that moment, an investigation by the Bishop of the dioceses of Los Teques, Miranda State, Monsignor Pio Bello Ricardo, began and ended with an official approval. This was issued in a Pastoral Letter where he declared that the apparitions in Finca Betania were authentic and of a supernatural character. Therefore the site should be considered as sacred, and that it must be kept as a place for pilgrimage, prayer, reflection and worship. Where liturgical acts may take place according to the rules of the Roman Church.
Due to the influx of visitors and pilgrims from Venezuela and from other places of the world, the Sanctuary is open all year round from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Bishop has also designated seven Marian Feast days during which all night vigils are permitted: February 2, Our Lady of Candelaria; March 25, The Annunciation; May 13, Our Lady of Fatima; July 16, Our Lady of Mount Carmel; August 15, Our Lady’s Assumption; October 12, Our Lady of the Pillar; and, December 8, The Immaculate Conception.
Description and history of the site
Betania is a land full of mountains that is located on the Km. 11 of the road between Cua and San Casimiro in Miranda, Venezuela. It is 65 Km. from Caracas city, the capital. Its main access is by a highway that goes from Caracas to the city of Charallave, where there is a detour to the city of Cua.
Then, from Cua following the road to San Casimiro, approximately after 12 Km., stands the entrance of Finca Betania on the left hand side.
It is an area surrounded by small hills that is embellished with tropical vegetation. At the entrance there is a parking lot for vehicles and buses. Then, there is a pedestrian bridge that was built over the Tarma River, which crosses the farm from West to East. The bridge leads to a square and to the grotto, the site where most of the apparitions have taken place. On the square, an open Church has been erected.
The name, Betania comes from the original name the farm already had. This land was offered to be purchased to the Bianchini, Andreu and Castellano families. And when Mrs. Maria Esperanza Medrano de Bianchini saw it, she felt it was the land God had promised her from the beginning of her mission.
Long before Mrs. Maria Esperanza married, the Lord had told her that she would have a land of great spiritual importance. He would offer it to her when the time was right, and its significance was that it would be a land of promises.
From 1957 to 1974, Mrs. Maria Esperanza felt the inspiration to visit many sites throughout Venezuela. One day, a gentleman offered Mr. Geo Bianchini and Engineer, Jesus Andreu – who were working together – a farm that was for sale in Valles del Tuy. They made the decision to go and see the place, Mrs. Maria Esperanza agreed, so they set the day to visit the land.
March 29, 1974 was the day they chose. Three families (Mrs. Maria Esperanza, Mr. Geo, Mr. Andreu, Mrs. Luisa de Andreu and Mr. Castellano), the owner, Dr. Rafael Perez and the vendor, Mr. Hicle gathered at the site. They all visited the place, and then they spoke about all the details.
The main harvest of the farm was represented by sugar cane, there were over 20 planted hectares. Besides, it had a good sugar mill that produced “papelon”, many fruit trees, and a small group of fowls. The farm was well cared for and was very nice, it had a house that had been rustically built in a typical tropical style, and it had a calm river that crossed it that was fully flowing due to the summer season; all this made it appear like a true paradise.
Mrs. Maria Esperanza agreed and they made the decision to purchase the farm. The conditions were considered to be good, and the owner tuned out to be a very fine person. He said that he had founded the farm himself purchasing three farms that were together, and named it BETANIA, because of the place where Jesus of Nazareth used to go and rest with his friends. Then they learned that this gentleman was part of an Evangelic group from Caracas, and that they would go to the farm with many of his friends to celebrate collective baptisms by bathing in the river, as well as group prayers. For all these reasons, it was concluded that it was truly the place that corresponded with the indications that had been announced by Our Lady.
When they left the place they all felt happy and content, because it seemed to them that they had spent that time in another dimension of absolute peace and calmness.
Mrs. Maria Esperanza confirmed that it was the chosen place since the beginning, that it was the site where a divine design of immense proportion would be carried out, and where great events would also take place. Two years later, on March 25, 1976, this was proven with the apparition of Our Lady to Mrs. Maria Esperanza at the grotto. She was with 80 friends, and although they were not able to see her, they witnessed phenomena associated to the apparition. On March 25, 1984 “the great apparition” of Our Lady took place, to a group of more than 108 people. They all saw her clearly and sharply, so they gave their oral and written affidavit to the Bishop of the dioceses, Monsignor Pio Bello Ricardo (+), who after thoroughly studying the testimonies, gave his approval with a Pastoral Letter.
The Mother of God pointed out to Mrs. Maria Esperanza that she had to donate the corresponding land to the dioceses of Los Teques where the well-known Sanctuary has been built. On August 28, 1989, 4 hectares were donated to the Church. Since then, the Bishop has given permission to celebrate liturgical acts at the site. The divine indication was to work together for the wellbeing of all souls: “The Church and the people united.”
How does Our Lady Appear?
According to the affidavits of the witnesses, Our Lady appears in a heavenly way, “She appears out of nowhere… She materializes…” resembling on many occasions Our Lady of Lourdes, but also resembling Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Our Lady of the Pillar, Our Lady of Coromoto and many other well known titles.
She appears all of a sudden filled with light, most of the time accompanied by a strong, but delightful scent of roses, and other mystical phenomena, such as: Heavenly sounds of songs by “invisible choirs”, spinning of the sun, etc.